Advertisement Designing is an integral and most important part of the overall communication process. Its importance stems from the fact that properly and carefully designed advertisements have the potential to eloquently express and convey the messages in the most befitting manner within the stipulated constraints.
Advertisement Designing becomes all the more important in case of print advertisements rather than the electronic advertisements which have the strong audio visual medium at their disposal to communicate their messages. Print advertisements, on the other hand, make up for this loss of audio visual medium in their context with appropriate graphics, pictures and carefully and meticulously chosen words and phrases to convey the required message. But for that to happen, the advertisements have to be designed effectively keeping the cost and space constraints in mind while asserting the product specifications and features.
While embarking upon effective Advertisement designs, the choice of words for messages and product description has to be selectively made so as to convey a lot more with very little. Besides this, contrasting backgrounds are often used in print advertisements to draw the attention of the readers instantly. Vibrant colours, complete black or white background, unique and attractive phrases are some other features that go into designing a thoroughly researched and planned advertisement. Newspapers are generally filled with such advertisements. Often, you would find newspapers carrying full page advertisements in white background with just one or two lines written in black. Often, even the product name or the company name is also missing and you are left guessing. Now that’s a deliberate strategic move on part of design team to draw in the attention of the people who otherwise would be more than happy to just flip through the pages after taking a glance at the advertisement.
Thus, advertisement designing for print advertisements essentially entails getting the best out of the words, colours and pictures. On the other hand, electronic advertisements have the strong backing of the audio visual medium. Hence, their design and development requires the consideration of a different set of attributes and characteristics. An important aspect of designing electronic advertisements is deciding upon its length and brand ambassador. Another key issue is whether to draw upon the emotional quotient of the public at large through these advertisements or to design an advertisement directly specifying the product attributes and features.
One such company specializing in Advertisement designing is Crystal Hues Limited (CHL). CHL is an ISO 9001:2008 organization that has been providing Advertising services combined with Localization and Translation services for over 20 years. CHL provides top of the line Advertising as well as Translation and Localization services in more than 70 languages around the world. CHL has nine offices in Asia staffed with more than 70 professionals, in-house domain experts with varied specialization and several hundreds of quality-verified contracted consultants worldwide.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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